Dream Threaders

We give you: Tessitori di Sogni


An event fathered by Italia Creativa, the project to sustain and promote young italian creativity under the Department of Youth - Presidency of the Counsel of Ministers in collaboration with ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities) and GAI (Young Italian Artists) with the aid of Workshow, will open a series of art-houses in eight italian municipalities.

For Lucca this initiative will be realized by the Municipal Administration and by Atlantyca Ent: there will be 16 guest investors (8 for the graphic area and 8 for the literary area) that will work for one year on a series of seminars, meetings and laboratories together with the international guests of Lucca Games and the Atlantyca publishers.
A new, unique and deep way to catch the new talents of our home and maybe rise with them the Geronimo Stilton of the near future.
In the area of professional meetings we'll not neglect to renew the precious experience of the Prototype Review Corner, for the aspiring game designers that in this way will be allowed to meet the most important authors and publishers available during the kermesse in Lucca.

These are the first servings on the menù for Lucca Games 2009.

For more details and the whole menù, as always... we'll be expecting you in September!